Prospectus: The Poetry of Art & The Art of Poetry
Poetry Submission Form
Entry Requirements
All poems must be in ekphrastic style, contained to one standard page. Do not include blank pages. Please submit poetry in PDF format ONLY.
Please name the file using the following syntax:
“name of poem”_“last name”_“first name”.pdf
Example: blue-sky_lent_ed.pdfFont: Helvetica, size 12 to 18, adjusted for size of poem.
Please put your name, the title of your poem, and a credit to the original work at the top right header of the page.
Example of header format:
Based on the painting “[Painting Name]” by [Artist Name]
Once poems are submitted no edits or corrections can be made.
Submission Deadline
Thursday, September 13, 2024, by noon.
Entry Fee
Guilford Art League members: Free
Guilford Art League nonmembers: $10 for up to four poems
Note: Unpaid submissions will be excluded from the exhibition.
Payment Methods
Checks payable to: Guilford Art League
Venmo: @Edward-Lent-1
Address for checks: Ed Lent, 45 Shaker Court, Guilford, CT 06437
See full event details here.