Second Quarter “Post-Covid” Thoughts

Here we are about to turn the page on the first half of 2024 and get ready for the next half. Lots been happening!

First let me say that our “post-covid” world (a term I dislike very much, but I guess a pandemic is a certain point of cultural shared memory that does help shape our references) is a familiar one but we are realizing that THINGS ARE DIFFERENT.  The first of such is the concept of “revenge travel” and similar terms which if I really think about- what came after the plaque? The Renaissance, right?! 

I think we were all slowed down that we were in sort of a hold pattern AND NOW, BOOM! Ive already started filling in the 2025 calendar and its sort of amazes me.  However, I have really never stopped but it feels good to be joining forces and continuing on in the drivers seat of many of the memberships i’m involved with.

Most of these months were dedicated to a strict painting schedule to be ready for my first SOLO show at the Madison library.

The other project i’m working on is still in the works and it is a big deal to me.  Since it’s still in incubation let mer get back to that when I know more.  But lets say that it sums up years of dedication, inspiration, perspiration and hard work and could be a legacy level accomplishment.

I celebrated the 50 year anniversary of the Connecticut Poetry Society which is really one of the best organizations I enjoy so much.  Guilford Art League continues shows with the community center and that’s quite wonderful and Madison Art Society, which is new to me, had a show at the Madison Library that was excellent and well organized. I’ve attended many zoom and in person workshops and the group has been great to be with.  Lastly, I’ll just say that zoom is here to stay but in person workshops are on the rebound and nothing beats live interaction with our fellow travelers.  Lets hope for revenge workshops!



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